
Hot Air Ballooning in Cappadocia, Turkey

Hot air ballooning di Cappadocia ini emang sebenernya salah satu hal yang gue cantumin di bucket list gue dan bulan Januari kemarin Alhamdulillah gue sudah bisa nyoret ini dari bucket list gue. Emang dari dulu jadi salah satu dream vacation banget soalnya Cappadocia kan emang terkenal sama hot air balloon-nya. Ya jadi ceritanya gue naik sendiri karena nyokap gue males buat ikut (ya jadi gue pergi cuma berdua nyokap). Tapi sih sebenernya gue gak merasa sendiri banget wong temen-temen yang setour gue banyak yang ikut kayak Yasmine, Gibran, Nisa, Kak Pev, Kak Triana, dll. Plus ada Om Donny yang ngelawak mulu pas di hot air balloon.

Semalem sebelum hot air balloon tour jadi kita kayak makan malem (lebih ke ngemil) sama nonton kayak folk dancenya turkey gitu sih di salah satu dance club gitu di Cappadocia, tempatnya lucu deh kayak di dalem cave gitu whehehe. Dan ada salah satu dance yang narik-narikin penontonnya, gue & Nisa ketarik sih jadi ceritanya gue kayak jadi rakyat gitu dan Kak Pev ketarik jg tapi dia ceritanya jadi ratu yang nunggu dilamar gitu. Nih deh gue kasih fotonya aja ya...

Ya udah abis pulang malem itu gue tidur dan besok paginya, pagi banget disuruh ngumpul di lobby dan langsung ke bis tuh masih dingin banget parah mau selimutan aja rasanya di kamar hotel tapi ya untung kayak ada ke basecampnya dulu terus dikasih minum kopi/teh sama cookies dan roti gitu buat sarapan. Ya pokoknya abis selesai sarapan gitu kita ke lapangan yang buat nanti kita naik balonnya, sekitar 30-45 menit deh preparationnya.

Dan videonyaaaa. 
((Maafkan gue yang foto-foto mulu HE HE HE))

Overall, it was worth it. It costs about $200+ per person but it was worth the price. This is definitely one of the best vacation I've ever had. 
Semoga gue bisa mencoret beberapa hal dalam bucket list gue dalam waktu dekat ini ya.

Fictional Guys I Wish Were Real

I am so sorry about this randomness, but I just hate that I really wish certain fictional characters were real. I mean... many of fictional guys are way better than any boy in my school or in my life. Is it pathetic to think like that?

Anyway, here they are.

Charles Bartholomew Bass
I mean.. what's not to love about Chuck Bass?
What to love: charm, witty personality, eyebrows, suits and fashion sense, dedication to Blair Waldorf (oh I really wish I was Blair), and so on.
He was born and raised in Upper East Side with a lot of family dramas. He made mistakes; huge mistakes, but in later seasons he grew up into a mature and responsible man. (Thank God)
Like what he said, "Live with you could never be boring." -- YES CHUCK IT COULDN'T BE.
[P.S. While many girls are rotting for Christian Grey, I think Chuck Bass is waaay better]

Severus Snape
Personally, I think he's the most complicated character in Harry Potter Series -- even more complicated than the entire Twilight Saga put together. We might hate him in the first few books or film but we'll love him endlessly in the last part of the story. He is the character that we think has the smallest capacity to love, but suprisingly turns out to be a character who loves the most.

Damon Salvatore
Gorgeous, dangerous, sexy, badass, dashing, funny, romantic, sarcastic, stunning, wicked, adorable, seductive, mysterious, smirky, and irresistible. These are words to describe the most adorable vampire of all time, Damon Salvatore. He's my favorite character in the series because he's a total badass with a soft side. If I was Elena, I'd choose him over Stefan, no doubt. I mean... I would love to spend my days with him -- or even my 'forever' if needed, and in this case 'forever' is not overrated.


to be continued, soon.