
Senior Year in 3... 2...

My report card turned well, except for the f-in sociology. I think that woman hate me and my sociology classmates so much that she gave us a really bad score. Yeah, I hate her even more now. Even a few days ago I thought why did my favorite fictional characters die when she's still around, OMG, I hate her as much as I would trade her life with Catelyn Stark.

Well, hello senior year!
I hope everything's going according to my plan. Which, I've kinda "rombak abis" my previous plan. We'll see about that, about that we will see.

By the way, sudahlah jangan ngomongin sekolah dulu. :)
Gue lagi libur yang super lama, kurang lebih sebulan. Bingung sih awalnya mau ngapain aja sebulan itu, tapi makin kesini makin berasa cepet aja sih waktu jalannya. Sebelumnya gue ada semacam obsession sama QuizUp gara-gara Audira nyuruh gue main QuizUp yang baru karena katanya seru terus ada kategori Game of Thrones dan lainnya juga. OK, gue main dan ketagihan. Achievement gue sampai sekarang adalah Best di kategori Gossip Girl di Indonesia, terus Top 10 di kategori Game of Thrones dan Name The Movie di Indonesia.

Awalnya selama liburan gue pengen nyelesein A Song of Ice and Fire gue tapi... kok kayaknya almost impossible ya ini gue baca A Game of Thrones lama banget hiks. Mungkin memang bukan tipe-tipe buku fast-paced macem Divergent Series yang gue selesein semaleman doang kali ya...

Untuk tontonan, gue lagi asik nonton Downton Abbey dan terima kasih berkat nonton itu gue berasa jadi hopeless romantic HA HA HA. Gak deng. Tapi, drastis sih perubahan tontonan gue dari Game of Thrones yang bunuh-bunuhan mulu terus blood bath gitu eeeh sekarang nonton semacam drama yang like almost 70%-nya cinta-cintaan. Walau begitu juga tapi percintaan di Downton Abbey lebih ke yang mature gitu sih, gak masalah ngambek-ngambekan berebutan pacar atau yang bisa lo temukan di typical teen tv shows gitu sih.

Karena Downton Abbey gue makin cinta sama 30-ish british guys HWAAA. Gue juga sedih ngeliat servants disini tjakep-tjakep pisan, da aku mah apa atuh. Saya merasa gagal.



And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.

Haruki Murakami