
A cup of tea in a rainy day

Musim hujan has come in sooooooo get ready for some good songs to listen to on rainy days, this is my list and I hope you'll love it as much as I do. :-)

Arctic Monkeys - Only One Who Knows (Acoustic Version)
I couldn't say a word...

The Beatles - Rain
It's not a rainy days playlist until it has a song about rain in it, and this time... THE BEATLES!

Bon Iver - Flume
Ugh, what not to love about Bon Iver's songs on a rainy day?
(Another Bon Iver's songs to listen to: Holocene, For Emma and Towers)

Lana Del Rey - Video Games
"...heaven is a place on earth with you..."

Ed Sheeran - Autumn Leaves
Plus, cute animation!

Coldplay - Amsterdam

Birdy - 1901
A song originally by Phoenix and covered by Birdy as the last song in the list won't hurt. 

Inspired by eka-lstr.blogspot.com latest post to make this playlist.


20 years from now...

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” 
― H. Jackson Brown Jr.P.S. I Love You


“True friends don't say good-bye, they just take extended leaves of absences from each other.”
Perasaan baru aja kelas MOS gue diacak jadi kelas yang pasti bedasarkan jurusan masing-masing siswa/i, baru aja gue masuk di kelas Bu Rosita abis itu bikin kelompok yang isinya Auladi, Diaz, Vina, Arin & gue. 
Ternyata time flies faster than what I thought
Jadi, tanggal 25 kemaren gue udah bagi rapot semester genap, which is the end if tahun ajaran gitu, which means gue harus pisah sama kelas yang sekarang dan naik ke kelas 11. Whoa!
Dan tanggal 26-27 kemarin X IPA H ngadain perpisahan gitu, di Puncak. Gak nyangka banget acaranya bakal jadi dan sukses! Soalnya disaat kelas lain udah nyiapin perpisahan dari jauh-jauh hari (bahkan ada beberapa kelas yang gagal acaranya) dan kelas gue baru kepikiran buat ngadain perpisahan di H-7. YA H MINUS 7 HARI!
Walaupun banyak badai menerjang (EAAA) kayak Bu Tri yang gak mau tandatangan surat izin, sekolah yang ngelarang untuk ngadain perpisahan kelas di luar Jakarta, gak ada ortu yang mau ikut, bis yang ternyata harganya lebih mahal dari perkiraan, dan lainnya tapi Alhamdulillah emang jadi juga ini acara.

Pokoknya sukses selalu ya IPA H, jangan pada sombong-sombong kalian ke depannya, semoga kita sukses sama-sama!

P.S Sawrrry baru dipost, ini postingan lama tapi kesimpen di draft aja waktu itu belum mood buat dipost eeeeh kelupaan sampe sekarang. 
Pis. Lop. & Gawl.